A creative coding project inspired by the reminiscent of childhood, I chose kaleidoscope as a starting point as it reflects what I portray childhood to be like: simple, playful and beautiful.

I started this project with my audiences in mind — I wanted to create an art piece that could be easily enjoyed by users ranging from children to elderly. I confined myself into designing something that only requires clicking and moving the mouse to minimise the actions users would take, the simplicity of the commands are then complemented with the endless generative patterns created by users. Below are some examples of artwork created by the users (click to progress through gallery):


With the help of various inspiration in the creative coding sector, I was able to create an aesthetically platform for users to easily create captivating designs that they can share with others. There are 5 different themes that users could choose to create their designs, and once they’re happy with one they could simply click the spacebar to screen capture it or hit the backspace to save their work as the loading screen — that way the next user could see the previous user’s work.